Monday, May 17, 2010

I walked to work today....

...for the first time since I lived in Colorado. Over twelve years ago!!! That's pretty sad, especially for a green person like myself. And what's even better, I get to walk through the woods. In a bird sanctuary. Not a bad way to start the day.

Today was a pretty cool day at headquarters. My job today involved, after I installed 52updates(!) on the office computer, was to start figuring out where the hell I am going this summer. I was given the protocol and data sheets that I need to fill out for every site I visit. Its pretty intense, but I think I will handle it just fine. I have to record wind speed, dominant groundcover how many cars pass the site while I'm collecting data, and so on and so forth. The bird Id'ing will be done in ten minute intervals at a pre-determined point that I must find with GPS. Once there I will record every bird I see, and is behavior for the ten minutes I am observing. Not only will I have to ID them by sight, but I must be able to ID them by song as well. Well, luckily, I have a good musical memory so it shan't be too hard. "I'll name that bird in two notes!"

Also, I got a map and file of all the sites I must visit. There are 182 locations that I must visit twice within six weeks time!! They are in Buffalo/Niagara area(ballet anyone?), Thousands Isles area (look out Alex Bay), the Finger Lakes(close to home), Saratoga (bars close at 4am) and the Mohawk Valley(Herkimer diamond mine. haha). So I will be all over this great state of ours. The next few days will find me trying to arrange accomodations in campgrounds, or governmental housing. Should be fun considering the state announced they are closing down 41 state parks this summer. I blame George Bush (shoutout to my Republican family and friends), and those lazy ass, fat ass politicians in Albany that really don't give a crap about the everyday functioning of our state and its institutions. If I don't do my job in an efficient and timely manner, I get fired. Time for change, real change...Vote against all incumbents.

Okay, rant over. Time to study, eventhough my friend is tempting me with margaritas at Viva right now. I have my second to last final tomorrow. Its Ecology, so it shouldn't be too hard, but I wanna do good dammit. Curse you tequila, I will get you next time!

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