Sunday, May 23, 2010

I finally graduated!!!!!

Yesterday was my gradiatin' ceremony. It was nice, a bit long though. Sen. Chuck Schumer showed up to give some advice. In his words, "Go for it!" It wasn't the most profound words of encouragement, but I really do respect the guy. He is one of the few members of government that really stands up for, and acts for his constituents. I honestly feel that he cares about the little guy (which I am eventhough I'm 6'4"), and his actions speak volumes. He was instrumental on saving me $2500 in tax return money through his sponsoring of the education tax credit bill, which he was sure to tell everyone about by the way. I was glad my family was there too! Mom, Dad, Megs, Lily and Alex all braved the crowd and stifling heat of the gymnasium to watch me walk across the stage. I'm so glad I didn't fall. I couldn't have done it without their love and support, and I am extremely grateful and blessed to have such a loving and supporting family. And I ended up graduating with greater than a 3.0 which was one of my personal goals. It wasn't looking good after I ran the educational gauntlet of Cell Bio, Genetics, Organic Chem, Calculus and Stats. God, I hate that shit. They all brought my GPA down considerably, but I made up for it and attained my goal.

The past few days of work were pretty darn good too. On Thursday I participated, with the two folks in the office, in an all-day birding fundraiser. We drove in and around Ithaca from 6am til 4pm looking for birds in various habitats. The weather was outstanding, we saw some really nice birds, the organization bought me lunch, and I got paid for it!!! Overall, we identified 115 species, which is pretty damn good! Highlights include: Blackburnian, Canada, Prairie and Wilson's warblers, Sandhill Cranes and a multitude of Bald Eagles. It was good fun, and my superiors say that I have a good ear and am a good birder. (I'm blushing lol)

On Friday I continued working on the route that we are going to take this summer. I went through every site and found it on the NY state atlas, and plotted it. I don't have addresses to work with, due to privacy concerns I guess, so I have to look at aerial photographs and determine on the map where the hell these places are. It was fun!! I have most of them planned out, and now need to arrange accommodations on Monday. Well, its been a great weekend and I'm going to cap it off with a cookout at my friends house out in the country. I'm mostly responsible for the menu, but those of you who know me know I love doin this stuff. I think I like cookin so much, because it gives me something to do while I drink beer and listen to music. Peace, Love and happiness.

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