Sunday, May 16, 2010

First day of the rest of my life...

A bit dramatic, I know, but I have put alot of time and effort into finishing my degree in Conservation Biology from SUNY Cortland and am excited about the next phase of my life. Hell, I should be a doctor considering how long I was in school, but when you have to work full-time in order to support yourself while chasing a dream, it's well worth it. I've made an investment in myself, not some stock exchange or security that loses money if someone farts too loud. I prefer to have control over my investment, and dammit it was worth it, because tommorow I start a job that pays me to do something I truly love and am passionate about. How many people can say that about their job?

Anyways, I am not going to gloat too much, but this gig is pretty freakin' cool. I am working for a world famous non-profit organization that focuses on bird conservation (disclaimer: I had to sign a waiver saying that I am not allowed to mention its name outside of a work related environment, or use it in a matter that may be a detriment to its image. Besides, I want to protect my employer from the damages of a public-relations nightmare that may be associated with some of the sordid adventures I hope to get involved in. Just kidding, y'all know I'm not that crazy or reckless, but I do like to have fun, and out of respect for my employer they shall remain nameless). Basically, I will be camping out and looking for grassland bird species to determine if the tax abatement program they support is working. So there ya have it...a job in the field of conservation involving birds. Life is good!


  1. love it! i can't wait to hear more adventures!

  2. Awesome dude. So proud of you. Good luck with it and keep me posted.

  3. It is so awesome that you finished and are doing what you truly love. Good luck and I wish you the best. However, don't take any chances in the woods. But a gun so you don't get eaten by a big black bear or a fire breathing grizzly bear. Who knows what is in the forrest.
    Your friend,
    Roger Chapman
